Why We Should Stop Fetishizing Having Asbestos-free Baby Strollers

Whitefish River why we should stop fetishizing having asbestos-free babe strollers


wearing my dream like a diadem in some better land.

1,195 Posts

Ooc —

Primary Ranger




dated july 18th, succeeding this result. see lesser of post for tags

With incomprehensible reason for causeway to Kaisteloki information technology was that Aurëwen strode for the riverlands; for this wasn't only to return its Lawman, but to serve as a port for the family who at present listed boundless without horizon.

One time upon a strife, she had gone to deliver her children from her womb amongst mountains, sent from those who'd damned hell upon them; and now it wasn't unlike such, with a 2nd blight befallen, and a child to tend to straightaway. Through the overabundance of her fury, she'd been able to  (somewhen)  glean from her report of her son that he had
lacerations on neck, hips; broken ribs, hinds; off-kilter shoulder; fractured cheekbone
and that the silver had washed what she could  (with mustered patience and care)  to run into to and reset Drago'southward shoulder back into its birdboned socket; though his lacerations would accept to wait, the remainder would have to await;

Until Aure was able to raise her crown, seek out her once-savior, his healers to do what she could not—

lift me higher, let me look at the dominicus

893 Posts

Ooc —

Master Guardian

Main Ambassador


There was really no need for the call as they approached the borders. Later all, she traveled with the family, they had her permission given the circumstances to travel in their lands, even balance and be tended to. The adults would have to pull their weight, but the child would not get unattended nether such crucial moments.

Ira stepped past the borders motioning for Aure and her family to follow. Hopefully Evergreen would come to see the situation for himself, only she was more interested in calling a healer.

604 Posts

Ooc — Miryam



quick post earlier I'm abroad for the weekend -- skip me and experience free to mention/notice him pacing and being a wreck in the background

How hard was it to put broken drinking glass back together? Broken drinking glass they'd somehow managed to deport downwardly the mount and to Kaistleoki, all with (presumably) their willful daughter in tow.

Vercingetorix was panting, wheezing, sobbing, as they reached the border. He set his son downwardly every bit gently as he could earlier turning to Aure, who was placidity just clearly, apparently, disturbed. Merely Ira motioned them on, and so, with a grunt of effort, he bent and slung Dragomir over his burly shoulders -- and walked on.

When they reached their destination, he'd lower Drago once again. . .and then step dorsum, unable to handle the scene before him. He lingered just in sight, just out of reach, close plenty if someone needed him --

But what on earth could he do?

He was no healer. He was no botanist. Not a therapist, or a caregiver.

Not a father.

It should be him, mangled and bloodied. It should be him.

He couldn't cease fucking thinking simply that, as he stood dorsum and watched, paced, bristled, cried. . .helpless. Useless.

i don't wanna allow it go

566 Posts

Ooc — mista


1 postal service cameo ❤

E'er since the Lawman left their doorstep, the Count has been unable to remainder. His energy goes into patrolling, and he checks on his members, but fifty-fifty his hobby of line-fishing cannot relax the comport. He worries, for Ira, for the kid, for Aurë. It is all too familiar. The scar on his heart still fresh—and perhaps forever volition be. Losing Thistle will be a permanent nightmare, and he prays that others volition not endure the same fate.

During his patrol, he hears the pants and hurried footfalls. It is enough for Evergreen to pick up his pace. Emerging, he sees Ira first and exhales a breath of relief. Then he sees Aurë, and a stranger. Upon the hulking male's back lay the broken pieces of a pup. His heart seizes, and he cannot help the choked noises that escapes his lips. Mangled, twisted in a way that reminds him oh so much of roan fur and blood. He squeezes his mismatched green optics but the vision does not leave him. Evergreen shudders.

The earth around him feels odd, as if he is not living in the nowadays. His body numb and jelly-like. He does his best to elevator his head to call for @Speedy.

Working on wrapping up electric current threads!

836 Posts

Ooc — Hela



Some pp with Tobias. Let me know if information technology's non okay <3

The call woke her from where she slept curled effectually her four children. Only like the last time, the healer assumed they would only call her to the borders for one reason. She sniffed the air, wondering if anyone happened to be close by and picked up the olfactory property of @Tobias. Speedy called him into her den and once he agreed to go on watch over the pups, she swiftly set up out for the borders, stopping only to collect a few things from the herb den.

When she arrived, her gaze was commencement drawn to the pacing stranger; he looked absolutely tormented, and it fabricated her chest tighten as she glanced around to find the source of his heartbreaking state. Another unfamiliar woman stood almost Evergreen and Ira, her features heavy with despair. It was then that she saw the tiny crumpled form on the basis, and she rushed forrard. She felt nauseous as she took in the child's injuries. What a horrible country for this poor baby to be in. She couldn't assistance but see one of her own children lying in that location cleaved. She imagined she would be in the same tortured state as the two strangers, and she causeless then that they must be the pup's caretakers. She swallowed the lump in her throat as she forced her mind to switch into healer manner; no 1 could afford for her to fall autonomously right now.

She quickly glanced up to the woman she assumed to be the mother and then dorsum down at the boy. The beginning question that came to her mind was how, simply then a more pressing matter occurred to her.Hurting-- she needed to control his hurting before he went into shock, assuming he hadn't already and that there was cypher else internally going on. Part of her wondered if she would even exist able to fix this poor kid; his wounds were extensive, and from what she could tell, he didn't appear to be in any kind of land to swallow anything, which, at the very least, would make decision-making his pain difficult. She supposed warmth and keeping the lacerations from getting infected would be a good identify to start, and of course only time would tell if she could get him through this. She looked first to the strangers, gaze full of sympathy, and so she looked to her leaders. We should get him to the caves, she said. At least there she was close to their herbs and could bank check on him frequently without having to leave her own children for too long.

Assuming the count and constable had no reservations with her suggestion, Speedy turned back to the parents. Follow me, she said, eyes lingering briefly on the niggling girl she hadn't noticed before. Realizing she must be terrified, Speedy offered her a tiny, reassuring grinning before turning to head back towards the caves.


wearing my dream like a diadem in some better country.

1,195 Posts

Ooc —

Master Ranger



last post unless tagged ❤️

And there was Evergreen, looking as desolate equally she felt, but—

Where had her occupation among the ruin of another malady fled to? Where was that healer in her?— but, oh, she'd scarcely been able to corporeality support in the form of the Claret-Queen and Dio'southward unwavering son, a fortnight earlier their respect for her had fallen from their graces. And so, Aurëwen hadn't begged since and before that calamity just, now— now

"B-Beja," she entreated, striding from Vercingetorix'southward side in favor of Speedy's, "I am a herbalist. Please. Let me into your garden, bring you lot pro-properties, please, y-your—" Her chords constricted into something sorrowful and slavering and heavy.
"I saved one love of my life," a death-defying wait to their son, slung upon phayanarō'southward shoulders, "Let one thousand-me help save another. Please," seeing the both of them so broken and faraway and lost in Shadow and—
Aure finally lost her voice in the flush of activity, horror.

Whether she would be permitted to assistance in this furthered plight or no, she beckoned her daughter to follow all the same; trusting that Verx would hasten  (as i could with glass)  to Speedy's didactics.

196 Posts

Ooc — thalia


this was her mistake, she decided. she shouldn't take listened to Drago, when he said he wanted space. since when did she listen, anyways? and she had thought he'd just left, left her, of his own accord. if she hadn't - she could take been with him. or followed him. her fury had no outlet and information technology turned inward. potent, bristling still, unwilling to glance at her brother to cheque the e'er to faint rise and fall of his sides, she followed at her parent's heels. when Drago was lain on the earth - she could not aid but think of her father bringing them prey, cutting upwardly and bloodied in the same fashion. she tensed further, if that was possible, and ignored her female parent in lieu of moving stiffly to her brother'southward side, standing hunched past his side and peering hawkishly at the stranger that approached. she wasn't going to leave his side once again, peculiarly at present that they were one time again surrounded by strangers.

836 Posts

Ooc — Hela



Sad, I didn't realize this was waiting on me

She paused her deviation when the child's mother began to speak, begging her to accept her help. Speedy e'er welcomed help, and she would never deny the pup's parents the opportunity to help their son heal. She nodded. Of course. I think he would benefit from multiple healers, she answered, a reassuring smile on her face up as she turned to head towards the caves once again.

She tended to continue injured strangers towards the front of the cave organization, closest to the opening; it kept them farther from where her children were tucked safely away, and information technology made them more accessible to the other members of the pack. She was happy to help anyone, but she had to keep her family safe, too, at least until she knew this new family unit a little amend.


wearing my dream like a diadem in some better land.

1,195 Posts

Ooc —

Master Ranger



Had she not been addressing Speedy directly, the silverish might've taken notice of her daughter'due south own plough of cheek — but equally it was, the taut muscles of her waxen face gentled, melded into something very most alike to relief. But fifty-fifty then, it was an inscrutable accept on her frigid countenance.

With some other expect to her family — tatters, all in tatters —Aurëwen quieted, and let her newly-anointed son'southward healer lead the mode to this cavern system. Though there was hesitance to placing their kid in such a place... at to the lowest degree, for now, treating him would exist a much-needed time of privacy and healing and awakening.

And wake he would.
...He must.


Source: https://wolf-rpg.com/showthread.php?tid=35961

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